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Become a Member Now!

Membership is open to any individual person or organization supporting the purpose of the Community Health Alliance (CHA). Membership is granted after receipt by the CHA Secretary of a completed membership application and payment of annual membership dues. Each member, whether an individual or organization, is eligible to cast one vote in any vote open to the membership.  Any member may resign by filing a written resignation by contacting us. Resignation does not relieve you of unpaid dues, or other charges previously accrued.

Are you interested in becoming a member? Do you want to volunteer your time with CHA? 

Join here or contact us with your questions. 


2023 Membership Application

 Annual Membership Cost:


 Individual $25.00 

Organization  0-5 employees $50.00

Organization  6-25 employees $125.00

Organization  26+ employees $250.00        

Some of the Benefits of Membership:

* Membership Meetings with Community Updates
* Forums on topics of Community Health interest
* Web Site with Links to Health Care Legislation
* Community Resources and Networking

Membership Terms: 

Memberships are welcomed ongoing throughout the year.  Terms are on a Calendar Year


In order to reset mid-year memberships to an annual renewal cycle Memberships applications dated

June through December will be prorated for the current year and up for renewal in Nov/Dec.

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